Maureen Bardusk and Kathy Weaver

November 22, 2005 - January 29, 2006

Maureen Bardusk and Kathy Weaver

The challenge with successful artistic collaboration is to gain the camaraderie without losing the self. For Maureen Bardusk and Kathy Weaver, the vigorous collaborative process allowed them to gain a better awareness of their own style by requiring each artist to define her style and content in order to proceed, giving each artist a heightened sensibility concerning their own work. There is a sense of renewal and discovery in achieving collaboration because unique ways of problem solving and artistic outlook are uncovered. Their motivation was fired by the intrigue of pushing beyond their comfort zone and normal aesthetic.

This exhibition featured a collection of individual pieces by each artist along with 50 collages which Bardusk and Weaver worked on individually then jointly, exchanging work until completion. Confluence illustrated the role healthy, voluntary collaboration plays between artists in the process of creativity. The individually created works on display lent a clue to the input each artist contributed to the collages. The show was truly a synthesis and study of contrasting aesthetics.

Image: studio shot of the artists