Join Peoria, Illinois artist Carrie Pearce for a gallery talk about the paintings in her exhibition The Merry Makers.
Pearce explores the unlimited realm of imagination in her latest series The Merry Makers: Paintings by Carrie Pearce. The exhibition features ten figurative oil paintings from the series and opens January 25 in the Dubuque Museum of Art’s Kris Mozena McNamer Gallery.
The Maroons: Free People of Color in America
Maroons were Africans and their descendants in the Americas who formed settlements away from New World chattel slavery. Some had escaped from plantations, but others had always been free, like those born among them in freedom.
Part of the Dubuque Chapter NAACP Speakers Bureau Lunch & Learn Series. Free free to bring a sack lunch, however lunch will not be provided by the Museum.
Every two years, the Museum exhibits the work of high school artists from all three Dubuque High Schools. Art teachers select the artwork that will be included in the exhibition, while the students both create the art and install it in our gallery.
Thank you to the Dubuque area High School art teachers for keeping the visual arts a strong and vibrant presence in our schools, and thank you to the talented young artists for sharing your amazing art!
Opening Reception Thursday, May 10, 5-6:30 pm
Sponsored by Anderson-Weber Toyota & Chad and Laura Chandlee
Entries are currently being accepted through March 5, 2017 for the 2017 DUMA Biennial. Entries can be submitted online through Juried Art Services.
The 2017 DUMA Biennial will be held May 27 – August 20, 2017 and is open to all media created within the past two years. The exhibition is open to all artists, 18 years of age or older, residing within a 200 mile radius of Dubuque, Iowa. Purchase awards and exhibition opportunities are some of the additional benefits possible for artists whose work is selected for this very popular and competitive exhibition that highlights the quality and variety of artwork currently being produced in this area.
Happening the first Friday of every month, DuMA stays open late and offers special programming in conjunction with other community arts events. Experience the creative spirit of our community, along with great friends, stylish appetizers and a cash bar, and great art.
In June: Celebrate the opening of two new Summer exhibits: Lost in the Midwest: Photographs by Sandra Dyas and Handmade: A Craft Invitational. There will also be a member preview of the Upscale Resale tag-sale benefit, as well as live music by Iowa City musician Dave Moore.
Follow DUMA (DubuqueArt) on Facebook, Twitter (#DUMAfirstfridays), and Instagram for updates and to share your ideas for future FirstFridays.
Media Partner 365ink magazineSeries Sponsor: Richardson Motors