Amelia Rosenberg

Amelia Rosenberg

Iowa City, Iowa

Amelia Rosenberg


Amelia Rosenberg is an artist from Columbus, Ohio now located in Iowa City. Amelia received her BFA in Ceramics from the University of North Carolina Asheville and completed her MFA from the University of Iowa in May, 2024. Amelia is the Co-founder of the Wallach Project, a German nonprofit organization that provides a platform for the education, preservation, and reintegration of Jewish folk craft and lineage within Bavaria. Through her research and work with the Wallach Project, Amelia has formed collaborative relationships with major institutions and museums in Europe.  At the University of Iowa, Amelia received the Iowa Arts Fellowship, Digital Publishing and Scholarship Fellowship, and Master of Fine Arts Summer Fellowship. In 2019 she completed an artist residency with Künstlervereinigung Dachau, in Dachau, Germany and in 2023 a residency with IaRex l'Atelier, in Saint-Raphaël, France. Amelia has shown work across the United States, as well as in Germany and Austria. 


Artist Statement

My artwork is a reckoning rooted in lineage, survival, and generational connection. Through ceramics I grapple with my own ability to endure as an echo of my German Jewish family's survival of WWII. By engaging with Flora and Fauna found in Bavarian folk textiles once produced by my great grandfather Moritz Wallach and his brothers Julius and Max, I illustrate my understanding of this history and its relationship to my own lived experience. In this work Jump or freeze, if it’s fast will you believe? I acknowledge reverence in survival. An abundance of pomegranates and rabbits pay homage to the kinship found between grief and reclamation. I consider evolution a companion to fear, and through the multiplicity of flora and fauna enact the regenerative yet complicated reality of moving forward through time. 

Amelia Rosenberg, Jump or Freeze, If It's Fast Will You Believe?, 2024, Ceramic, 20 x 22 x 22