The Dubuque Museum of Art welcomes and periodically reviews exhibition proposals from professional artists, curators, and lending institutions. Exhibitions are selected for their merit, relevance to exhibition goals, and fit with professional museum standards, and are generally scheduled at least two years in advance.
We encourage collaboration among artists and curators and welcome diverse proposals in solo, group, and thematic installations.
Exhibition Proposal Submission Guidelines:
Email proposals are preferred and must include:
- Letter of Interest describing the proposed exhibition or body of work. Please be as detailed as possible. PDF files preferred.
- Professional resume or CV for all professional artists or curators involved. PDF files preferred.
- Current artist or curatorial statement. PDF files preferred.
- Digital images of representative artworks. Images should be clear, well-lit, and free of distracting backgrounds. If you are a Mac user, please save all of your files in PC format. JPG or PDF images preferred.
DO NOT SEND ORIGINAL ARTWORK. The Museum does not accept original works and cannot be held responsible for originals sent to us.
Electronic submissions (using PDF and/or JPG files) are preferred. Email to DuMA Curator.
To mail your submission, send to: Dubuque Museum of Art, Attn: Curator, 701 Locust St., Dubuque, IA 52001.