Hannah O’Hare Bennett

Hannah O’Hare Bennett

Madison, Wisconsin



Hannah O’Hare Bennett is an artist, papermaker, and educator. She holds a BFA in Printmaking from the University of Kansas (1998) and an MFA in Design Studies from the University of Wisconsin Madison (2017). Between those degrees, she worked as a farmer, Peace Corps Volunteer (Ecuador, 2004-2006), and produce manager. Since completing her MFA she has had many residencies, taught fiber arts and papermaking workshops and shown her work in group and solo shows across the country. She has taught college courses at Mount Mary University and University of Montana Western, and worked as a substitute teacher for the Madison Metropolitan School District. Currently she teaches in the Art Department at UW Madison and is the campus Peace Corps recruiter, as well as maintaining her art practice in her studio at Arts & Literature Lab.


Artist Statement

From 2004-2006, I lived in Quillin, a rural community in the Ecuadorian Andes, where I was a Peace Corps Volunteer. In 2023, I took a part-time job as a campus Peace Corps recruiter, and was immediately overwhelmed by the memories of that time. Since then, my studio practice has reckoned with that intensely beautiful and difficult time in pieces that combine materials in unexpected ways. Recognizable images and patterns emerge in some places and are obscured in others, materially expressing the moments of clarity and understanding that develop as an individual adjusts to a confusing new environment and language.

Maria and Jhoana are two of a three piece series, Tres Marias, inspired by photos of girls I worked with in the elementary school in town, who had dressed up for the Christmas posada. The pieces also incorporate visual references to the “three sisters” method of growing the corn, squash and beans that everyone in Quillin depended upon for sustenance, as well as the sky, land and waterways of the Andes.

Hannah O’Hare Bennett, Tres Marias: Maria / La Tierra/The Earth, 2024, Beads, yarn and thread, handmade paper, paint, fabric, and plant material, 30 x 22, Courtesy of the artists
Hannah O’Hare Bennett, Tres Marias: Jhoana / El Agua/The Water, 2024, Beads, yarn and thread, fabric, handmade paper, paint, and foil, 30 x 22, Courtesy of the artists