Pearl Dick

Pearl Dick

Chicago, Illinois

headshot pearl


Pearl Dick is a glass artist and community builder based in Chicago, Illinois. She is the artistic director of Firebird Community Arts, and co-founder of Project FIRE, a program designed to promote healing through glassblowing for young people who have been injured by gun violence.

Pearl has been working with glass for over 25 years and shows her work in galleries and museums around the country.

Along with creating artwork that speaks to human connection, Pearl is a dedicated teacher and activist advocating for greater access, diversity, and inclusion in the glass community.


Artist Statement

Drawing from her life and observations, Pearl’s work speaks to our desire for connection. From the relationships that span a lifetime to the casual interactions that last only an instant, no moment is insignificant. Her work, whether in glass or paint, is meant to spark a memory, question, or emotion within the viewer that is deeply personal while encouraging empathy for others as we recognize our similarities within our differences.

Pearl Dick, Parallel, 2021, Glass, 18 x 18 x 5

Pearl Dick, Bloom and Grow, 2019, Glass, 15 x 14 x 11