Artists Kevin Kowaleski and Justin Mosling founded Milwaukee-based Winnebago Paddles in 2016, a custom canoe and kayak paddle manufacturer that specializes in exotic wood species and unique paddle designs. In total, over 100 different wood types have been used, ranging from commonly used domestic species like cherry, walnut, and maple, to less commonly used exotic species such as cocobolo, bloodwood, bubinga, paela, and leopardwood. All paddles are 100% handcrafted and are equally at home out on the water for paddling or in the home on display. They have been featured in museums, restaurants, hotels/resorts, and YMCAs. They have won several best in show awards at local art fairs. They have outfitted paddling-themed weddings, work parties/meetings, and church events. They have a strong presence in the military community, having done hundreds of marine reconnaissance paddle awards to commemorate those who are leaving active service.