

Dubuque, Iowa


Nate Ditzler grew up on the island of O´ahu, Hawai´i. In 2016, he completed a Master of Fine Arts at West Virginia University, and has exhibited his work nationally and internationally. His art explores nuances of the human condition, while constantly expanding on his material investigations and means of fabrication.


Teamwork, 2020, Ceramic, underglaze, glaze, brass tubing, wood paddle blade, and enamel paint, 9x24x18 in., Courtesy of the artist

In contemplation of the complexities of interpersonal communication, and the notion of shared experiences. On a more macro social level … the bureaucratic inclination toward maximized involvement rather than maximized efficiency … and that’s not explicitly a bad thing … sometimes it’s a good idea to sacrifice efficiency for good company.

A Good Chair is a Good Chair, 2020, Ceramic, underglaze, and glaze, 9x8x8 in., Courtesy of the artist

Sometimes we are faced with a situation where we have to work with something unconventional or not necessarily appropriate to suit our needs … and we have to work with what we have in front of us … and do our best … might as well try to have a little fun with it.

Maintenance, 2020, Ceramic, underglaze, glaze, Lucite, wood, and enamel paint, 13x14x9 in., Courtesy of the artist

As I get older, I find myself living a more regimented lifestyle. I also find myself having to spend more time on physical maintenance. It’s a constant negotiation of intake and output, where I have to stay positive while accepting less than desirable terms. I think that’s why life hacks are so attractive … I mean who doesn’t want to optimize everything? That sounds wonderful.