Happening the first Friday of every month, DuMA stays open late and offers special programming in conjunction with other community arts events. Experience the creative spirit of our community, along with great friends, stylish appetizers and a cash bar, and great art.
For July we are taking First Fridays outside with outdoor art activities, a visit from Stan’s Ice Cream Truck and a demo of Jim Avery’s tandem dicycle.
July also features a special pop-up location, Riverlights Bookstore at 1098 Main St. in downtown Dubuque.
Artist & Photographer, Tim Olson will also be on hand to sign his new book featuring his project “St. Mary’s to Steeple Square -The Community Portrait, Photographs and Stories from Dubuque’s Washington Neighborhood.”
Make sure to keep hop, hop, hopping to all First Friday locations: Gallery C, Dubuque Carnegie Stout Public Library and Inspire Cafe. Each offer continuous programming that people can drop by at any time and take away a positive art experience.
$10 Admission (Members Free)
Follow DUMA (DubuqueArt) on Facebook, Twitter (#DUMAfirstfridays), and Instagram for updates and to share your ideas for future FirstFridays.