Artist Talk: : Paul Sacaridiz

Paul Sacaridiz, Director of Cranbrook Academy of Art and former student of Bill Farrell will present a talk focusing on the importance of Farrell’s work, his role as a teacher, and the innovations and influence of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago on contemporary ceramics.

Free with registration

Register here

Cocktails & Conversation: Exhibition Opening

Warm up with artisanal cocktails and an artist talk; curator conversation and music with small bites of surprising combinations.

-5 pm Gallery Talk: Tibi Chelcea

Toast artist Tiberu Chelcea with a taste of Romanian spirit Țwith and then join him in the galleries for a conversation about his technologically-inspired, historically-grounded work.

6 pm Conversations with the Curators

Visit with exhibition curators Delores Fortuna and Tim Farrell in the galleries as they share personal stories about Bill Farrell, influential artist, beloved partner, and father.

-7-9 pm Cocktail Reception

$15 members/$20 adults/$10 under 21/Free for 1874 Society

Tickets available at the door

Cocktails conversations and unexpected combinations