Join us for a Lunch and Learn for the “Living Proof” exhibition being featured in the Museum’s Alice E. & Erwin J. Hafeman Lobby. Ron Avery and Gail Chavenelle will each speak shortly on the topic of cancer survivor art and then welcome individuals attending the talk to create written reflections on the exhibition.
Feel free to bring a sack lunch, however lunch will not be provided by the Museum.
Opening Exhibition and Member Preview for 3 new DuMA exhibitions: “African American Art in the 20th Century” from the Collection of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, “Madai Taylor: An Elegy to America in Black and White” and the “Living Proof Exhibit: Cancer Survivor Art”.
The February First Friday will be featuring Living Proof Exhibit: A Visualization of Hope and special guest Artist Maureen Bardusk.
Living Proof Exhibit features more than 25 artists from across the Tri-State region who have been impacted by cancer.
First Fridays is a city wide gallery hop celebrating our creative community. Other First Friday locations include: Carnegie Stout Public Library, Inspire Cafe, and Outside the Lines Gallery. Make sure to hop, hop, hop to all First Friday locations~
Members are FREE, Guests $10
Follow DUMA (DubuqueArt) on Facebook, Twitter (#DUMAfirstfridays), and Instagram for updates and to share your ideas for future FirstFridays.
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