The Dubuque Museum of Art promotes life-long learning in the arts through programs, activities, and events for visitors of all ages. The Museum's goals are to enrich students’ understanding of and responses to works of art both in the museum and in the classroom. Our goal is to guide students toward a deeper and richer interpretation of the visual arts by fostering critical thinking, literacy, and observational skills, and by helping students see how works of art relate to both their school curriculum and their life experiences.
Arts Trek is a dedicated arts learning opportunity offered in conjunction with the Dubuque Community and Holy Family School Districts. Each year, every second grade student in the District views a selected exhibition and engages in an interactive art activity at the Museum.
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DuTrac Community Credit Union

Docent-guided school tours offer an excellent opportunity for students to explore the featured exhibitions. Please contact the Museum to schedule a tour. The suggested fee is $2 per student and chaperons are free.
The Dubuque Museum of Art is an intriguing destination for group outings. Tuesday–Sunday, trained docents lead tours for groups of 15 or more. Reservations are required and should be made at least 2 weeks in advance. Please contact the Museum to schedule a tour.