Symphony of Fibers, 2016, digital photograph, 19×23
Dean A. Genth resides in Mason City, Iowa and is a self- taught digital photographic artist. Dean has concentrated on photographing subjects from a different point of view, using his lens to filter reality in a way sometimes unseen by the common view. Whether it is a macro shot of something usually only appreciated from a distance, or taking a common form and giving it an abstract impression, Dean is always looking to make common forms via the lens a thing of artistic and awe-inspiring beauty.
Dean was awarded “2010 Best In Show” at the Ankeny, Iowa Art Museum’s Annual Photo Exhibition. His award winning digital photograph is entitled, Through The Hole. This beautiful diptych depicts the exterior of a jail door at the Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin, Ireland and then gives the viewer in a second dramatic image of the view from behind the door by setting his lens to the jailer’s peephole.
Many other awards have been awarded the artist, among those from The MacNider Art Museum- “Best In Show” -2016, The Globe Gazette Newspaper Annual Shutterbug Contest as well as an area-wide calendar photo competition.
The USA-TODAY editorial staff selected Dean to photograph scenes from the Inaugural Festivities at the 2009 Inauguration of President Barack Obama in Washington D.C. Dean’s images were posted on the online version of the USA TODAY during Inaugural week.