John Vachon, a product of the Midwest, was born in St. Paul, Minnesota where he attended St. Thomas College. In 1936, Vachon’s thirst for adventure led him to accept a position with the Farm Security Administration (FSA) in Washington, D.C. In 1940, Vachon’s FSA work took him to Dubuque. Vachon photographed conditions of rural poverty, creating visual records for FSA historical files. His documentation of the living and working environment in this typical Midwestern city served as evidence of the plight of American farmers and laborers. Vachon’s photographs evidence a keen, straightforward observation of life that at times evokes significant emotion.

F.S.A. Photographs of Dubuque by John Vachon
May 30, 2006 - August 13, 2006
Organized by the Dubuque Museum of Art